

Special Measures for Protection from SEA

The Secretary-General outlines the progress made in the strategy to improve the UN’s approach to preventing and responding to sexual exploitation and abuse. The Report discussed advances in accountability, risk management, prioritizing victims’ rights and dignity, no impunity, and engagement with Member States and civil society.

  • (A/76/702) (15 February 2022)

Victims Assistance Protocol

The Protocol elaborates a common set of norms and standards based on existing frameworks aimed at strengthening a coordinated, system-wide approach to the provision of assistance and support, prioritizing the rights and dignity of victims, regardless of the affiliation of the alleged perpetrator. This approach is aligned with broader United Nations efforts to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse and takes into account established good practices to address gender-based violence.

The Victims’ Rights Advocate works with all parts of the UN system, Member States, civil society, including human rights institutions, the media and others so that an integrated response to victim assistance in line with the Secretary-General’s strategy and the  of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN and related personnel adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007 (A/RES/62/214, Annex) is taken.

The Secretary-General, for the purpose of preventing and addressing cases of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, and taking into consideration General Assembly resolution 57/306 of 15 April 2003, “Investigation into sexual exploitation of refugees by aid workers in West Africa”, promulgates the following Bulletin in consultation with Executive Heads of separately administered organs and programmes of the United Nations.

Guide for National Human Rights Institutions

OVRA and the?Global Alliance of?National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)?created this guide for?national human rights institutions to translate a victim-centred?approach into practice and realize the rights of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse. (English | French)


Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Trello Board


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