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  1. Highlight 09 October 2019

    ... havens for reflection and peace, not sites of bloodshed and terror. Secretary-General Travels The Secretary-General is traveling ...

  2. Highlight 14 May 2019

    ... at the Christchurch Remembrance Wall for the victims of the terror attack and met with local Imams and Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel. ...

  3. Highlight 15 March 2019

    ... against anti-Muslim hatred and all forms of bigotry and terror. ? MOZAMBIQUE I also have a statement on Mozambique. The ...

  4. Highlight 17 August 2018

    ... in Baghdad. He said that this was the first mass terror attack on the United Nations and that, before and since that day, United ...

  5. Highlight 23 July 2018

    ... senseless attack that served no purpose other than to spread terror and try to promote division. He added that, at a time when Afghans ...

  6. Highlight 2 August 2017

    ... of the UN Mission, Tadamichi Yamamoto, said that fanning terror and sectarian violence against a specific community is abhorrent and ...

  7. Highlight 9 January 2017

    ... a swift recovery to those who were injured. Violence and terror will not bring a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- quite ...

  8. Highlight 3 June 2016

    ... said that the obstacles to peace are clear. They include terror, violence and the incitement that fuel them; the ongoing settlement ...

  9. Highlight 15 January 2016

    ... He added that we all lose by responding to ruthless terror with mindless policy – policies that turn people against each other, ...

  10. Highlight 18 November 2015

    ... objective whatsoever justifies the loss of life and terror to which civilians are being subjected. He also reiterated the ...