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  1. Highlight 4 September 2015

    ... condemns in the strongest possible terms the suicide terror attacks against a mosque in the northern Jarraf district of Sana’a ...

  2. Highlight 19 March 2015

    ... and has succeeded in freeing much of the territory from the terror of armed groups.? However, he said that the overall security ...

  3. Highlight 4 December 2014

    ... He reiterated that there can be no justification for acts of terror.?? The Secretary-General sends his deepest condolences to the ...

  4. Highlight 20 August 2014

    ... Foley, an abominable crime that underscores the campaign of terror the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) continues to wage ...

  5. Highlight 21 November 2012

    ... The Secretary-General was shocked at the news of the terror attack on a bus today in the centre of Tel Aviv.? In a statement we ...

  6. Highlight 25 November 2011

    ... deliberately and systematically use rape as a tactic of terror. <![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]> <![endif]> Ms. ...

  7. Highlight 6 August 2009

    ... But while atom bombs offered a so-called peace based on terror and destruction, the United Nations provided a peace co-created by ...

  8. Highlight 25 January 2008

    ... Government of Lebanon. ? This latest act of terror should not be allowed to undermine the security, stability and ...

  9. Highlight 11 November 2005

    ... and personally expressed his condolences for the terror attacks.?The King briefed the Secretary-General on measures that ...

  10. Highlight 30 September 2005

    ... civilians as possible. No cause can justify such acts of terror.? The Secretary-General conveys his deepest sympathy to the ...