

Now Available: Governing AI for Humanity

The final report of the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Body on AI, “Governing AI for Humanity,” is now available. Building on months of global consultations and the release of an interim report last December, this groundbreaking final report outlines seven key recommendations to bridge gaps in AI governance and promote international cooperation.

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Mind the AI Divide

Learn more about the potential for AI to affect the world of work in this report co-authored by the United Nations and the International Labour Organization.

Read the report

An Open, Free & Secure Digital Future

The intergovernmental process on the Global Digital Compact, led by the Co-facilitators from Sweden and Zambia, is currently underway.

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News and Resources
The UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation () provides a vision for a digitally interdependent world. It lays out actions for the global community to connect, respect, and protect people in the digital age. The Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology is committed to enhancing digital cooperation to further the global common good.
Follow the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology on and for the latest updates.