
Review of the jurisdictional set-up of the United Nations common system

Review of the jurisdictional set-up of the United Nations common system

In resolution 74/255 B, the General Assembly noted with concern that “the organizations of the United Nations common system face the challenge of having two independent administrative tribunals with concurrent jurisdiction among the organizations of the common system, and requested “the Secretary-General in his capacity as Chair of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, to conduct a review of the jurisdictional setup of the common system and submit the findings of the review and recommendations to the General Assembly as soon as practicable.” The initial report of the Secretary-General (A/75/690):

      1. Provided an overview of the two tribunal systems (the ILO Administrative Tribunal and the United Nations Tribunals),
      2. Surveyed the tribunals' jurisprudence concerning decisions and recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission (1975-2016),
      3. Examined past efforts to address the challenges of having two independent tribunal systems,
      4. Set out various options to address the issue of inconsistent implementation of ICSC recommendations and decisions.

In response to this report, the General Assembly issued resolution 75/245 B, requesting the development of proposals.

The Secretary-General's second report (A/77/222) :

      1. Surveyed the post-2016 jurisprudence of the tribunals on ICSC-related matters,
      2. Presented proposals on:
          1. ICSC submissions to the tribunals during the litigation of ICSC-related matters,
          2. ICSC guidance after a tribunal judgment concerning ICSC-related matters,
          3. A possible joint chamber of the ILO Administrative Tribunal and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal  with jurisdiction to issue rulings in cases involving  ICSC-related matters,
      3. Analyzed the impact of divergent judgments on the cohesion of the common system.

Following the submission of the second report, the General Assembly, in resolution 77/257, encouraged increased informal exchanges between the UN Tribunals and the ILO Administrative Tribunal, urged the implementation of the first two proposals (as indicated in paras. 2(a) and 2(b) above), and invited the Secretary-General to finalize past proposals and assess the viability of other options.

The Secretary-General's third report has been issued as . It provides:

      1. An overview of the report's consultative process,
      2. General observations on the review.
      3. The finalized proposal for a joint ILOAT-UNAT chamber as well as an evaluation of other options that could help preserve the unity of the common system in the context of two independent tribunal systems.
      4. Conclusions.


Source documents

The documents cited in the report can be found at the following websites:

  • Documents with UN document numbers can be found in the .
  • Documents of the ILO Administrative Tribunal can be found on the .
  • Documents of the UN Dispute Tribunal can be found on the UNDT webpage.
  • Documents of the UN Appeals Tribunal can be found on the UNAT webpage.

Stakeholder views regarding the report of the Secretary-General A/78/154