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  1. Secretary-General's Press Conference - at the start of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly

    ... I did, and I feel that that condemnation was essential, the terror attacks by Hamas, but what's happening today in Gaza is totally ...

  2. Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East

    ... continue. Nothing can justify the horrific acts of terror committed by Hamas and other armed groups in Israel on 7 October.? ...

  3. Secretary-General's press conference - on Extreme Heat

    ... overriding security control to prevent the resurgence of terror. I would like to get your reaction to his vision and whether it could ...

  4. Secretary-General's remarks to Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response For Gaza [as delivered]

    ... It is now 8 months since the horrific Hamas terror attacks of 7 October and the abduction of Israeli men, women, and ...

  5. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on Gaza

    ... in the relentless violence, including the gruesome acts of terror perpetrated by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups in Israel on 7 ...

  6. Secretary-General's Press Encounter on Gaza [scroll down for Arabic]

    ... Sunday marks six months since Hamas launched its abhorrent terror attacks in Israel. The 7th of October is a day of pain for Israel ...

  7. Secretary-General's press encounter

    ... my solidarity with the victims of the unconscionable Hamas terror attacks of 7 October, with the hostages, and with their families and ...

  8. Secretary-General's remarks to the 2024 ECOSOC Youth Forum [as delivered]

    ... military operations in Gaza, following the devastating terror attacks by Hamas on 7 October, are having an appalling impact on ...

  9. Secretary-General's remarks to the press - on the Middle East

    ... After more than 1,100 Israelis killed in the Hamas terror attacks of 7 October … ??after more than 34,000 Palestinians killed ...

  10. Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on the Middle East [as delivered]

    ... release of all hostages held in Gaza. ? The horrific terror attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups on 7 October, ...