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  1. Secretary-General’s speech at SOAS, University of London, on “Counter-terrorism and human rights: winning the fight while upholding our values” [as delivered]

    ... our humanity. And the fact that the state of shock and terror of those murderous attacks is nowadays amplified by the 24-hour news ... agencies to collaborate far more effectively in fighting terror, while respecting human rights. There is still no consensus on a ...

  2. Secretary-General's statement at the Special Meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee with Regional Organizations [as delivered]

    ... a clear and urgent necessity to prevent despicable acts of terror, there is also a compelling need to continue striving towards the ... serve as justification to those who would commit acts of terror. I wish you all success in these deliberations, and hope they will ...

  3. Note to Correspondents: Transcript of press encounter by Staffan de Mistura and Jan Egeland on Syria

    ... to see them being destroyed, children and mothers, by the terror bomb five days ago. The large humanitarian operation that came for the ... in the big evacuation that was hit, partially hit by the terror bomb on the 15th of April, also there are question marks and I do not ...

  4. Note to Correspondents: Transcript of Press Stakeout by UN Senior Adviser, Jan Egeland

    ... got was that everybody said that they were there on a war on terror, everybody as far as I could see.? This notion that everyone is fighting terror fuels the fierceness and fuels the devastation that engulfs the ...

  5. Secretary-General's message to Hiroshima 探花精选 Memorial Ceremony

    ... that same year –one offering a so-called peace based on terror and destruction, the other a peace co-created by nations through debate, ...

  6. Secretary-General's message to Follow-up Ministerial Conference on Security in Nigeria

    ... as with the people of Nigeria as they face extremism and terror. The human rights violations are appalling, and the humanitarian ...

  7. Secretary-General's message to the launch of the Global Zero Action Corps

    ... to live in a world which is no longer shadowed by nuclear terror and where these inhumane and indiscriminate weapons no longer exist.? ...

  8. Secretary-General's message to UN International Meeting on Israeli-Palestinian peace

    ... hosting it. As the Middle East faces a vicious tide of terror and extremism, we must maintain our focus on the urgent need to resolve ...

  9. Secretary-General's message to the fourth meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their destruction

    ... practical effort to rid the world of these weapons of terror. The Convention now has 122 States Parties, while three more ...

  10. Press Conference following Quartet Meeting at the Waldorf Astoria (unofficial transcript)

    ... build efficient Palestinian security capabilities to combat terror, on sound bases of unified command, transparency and accountability. ... side by side, end of occupation, end of settlement, end of terror and suicide bombing, reforms, including elections, is the package of ...