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  1. Secretary-General's remarks at Security Council Ministerial Open Debate on Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations

    ... are using trafficking and sexual violence as a weapon of terror – and an important source of revenue. Both ISIL and Boko Haram have ...

  2. Deputy Secretary-General's remarks at High Level Event on Illicit Wildlife Trafficking [as prepared for delivery]

    ... of illegal trade support transnational organized crime and terror organizations. Murder and violence go hand-in-hand with this ...

  3. Deputy Secretary-General's remarks at reception organized by the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the UN on the launch of Turkey's Chairmanship of the Global Forum on Migration and Development

    ... daily, thousands more, mainly Syrian Kurds, fleeing from terror.? One hundred and thirty thousand since last Friday.? We understand ...

  4. Deputy Secretary-General's remarks at "Living Legacy" Concert

    ... through the efforts of UNESCO, has documented not only the terror of slavery but also the contributions of enslaved Africans. That ...

  5. Secretary-General's remarks at the memorial service for Mr. John Wallach, Founder of Seeds of 探花精选

    ... programme for the hatreds that often lead to violence and terror”. And so the Seeds of 探花精选 began, as an initiative that allowed ...

  6. Secretary-General's opening comments at press conference following Quartet meeting on the situation in the Middle East and the Question of Palestine [revised]

    ... as is an end to the morally repugnant violence and terror. But we are all in agreement that the overall plan must address ...

  7. Statement attributable to the Secretary-General on the Middle East

    ... 29 January 2004 Once again violence and terror have claimed innocent lives in the Middle East. Once again I condemn ...

  8. Secretary-General's remarks to meeting in support of the Palestinian Authority

    ... despair, better days may lie ahead. When appalling acts of terror do take place, such as last Friday's bombing in Tel Aviv, we must all ...

  9. Secretary-General's message on World Refugee Day

    ... of us go about our daily lives never having to confront the terror, fear, conflict and persecution that have forced millions of refugees ...

  10. Secretary-General's opening statement at the London Conference on Afghanistan

    ... from conflict and devastation. From a nation held hostage by terror and by terrorists, Afghanistan today is a nascent democracy. A ...