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  1. Secretary-General's Press Conference - on 2024 Priorities

    ... peace. When Hamas attacked, with that absolutely intolerable terror attacks, I was very strong condemning it. I was also very strong in ... countries, the US, European countries recognize Hamas as a terror organization? Secretary-General: Well, the recognition of terrorist ...

  2. Secretary-General's press encounter following Security Council consultations on Sudan

    ... the leader of the Islamic Courts Union is on a UN-al Qaeda terror list. Is this someone the international community should deal with? ...

  3. Secretary-General's statement to the Commission on Human Rights [as delivered]

    ... in the global system, and in their own lives. War, terror and the threat of political violence have become a much greater part of ...

  4. Secretary-General's message to the UN International Conference of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People

    ... security services in order to confront groups that engage in terror, and to move forward along the road of reform. However difficult and ...

  5. Secretary-General’s address to Iraq’s Council of Representatives

    ... that adapts its strategy to cause maximum damage and terror. The recent appalling attacks at funerals, markets and places of worship ...

  6. Deputy Secretary-General's briefing to the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East [as delivered]

    ... of the State of Israel. When confronted with a climate of terror, Israelis rightly expect their authorities to enforce security. ...

  7. Note to Correspondents: Near verbatim transcript of stakeout by Jan Egeland, Senior Special Advisor to the U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura

    ... and Jordan. This was an area where there was a horrific terror attack only some days ago and that led to that border being closed. We ...

  8. Secretary-General's remarks at High-level Commemorative Event: "Srebrenica: Remembering and Honouring the Victims of the Genocide"

    ... Syria to South Sudan, people face unspeakable violence and terror. Individual states and the international community must work ...

  9. Secretary General's remarks to the Munich Security Conference Opening Segment [as delivered]

    ... of the global landscape. Third, the threat of global terror looms over the world. In Syria, Da’esh is using children as human ...

  10. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on terrorist attacks in Syria

    ... The Secretary-General condemns the continuing acts of terror and grave violations of international law committed by Da'esh in Syria, ... to Mr. al-Asaad’s family. These barbaric acts of terror join a long list of crimes committed over the past four years in Syria ...