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  1. Address to the General Assembly

    ... more clearly in Resolution 1397: land for peace; end to terror and to occupation; two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side ...

  2. Secretary-General’s remarks at the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

    ... as these grievances are, they cannot justify the acts of terror against civilians committed by Hamas on October 7 that I immediately ...

  3. Secretary-General's speech at John F. Kennedy School of Government entitled "Securing the Common Good in a Time of Global Crises" [including a question and answer session at the end]

    ... to make sure that we end an era in which we fight the war on terror with more terror. SG: I fully share with you your frustrations, and I have full ...

  4. Note to Correspondents - Transcript of press conference by UN Special Envoy for Syria (SES) Staffan de Mistura

    ... the Kobani citizens and would like them to be not under the terror and horror of ISIL. We would like to appeal to the Turkish authorities ...

  5. Note to Correspondents: Transcript of press encounter by UN Senior Adviser, Jan Egeland

    ... no we condemn that, as much as we condemned all of the other terror attacks on hospitals and the medical sector in this horrific war.? ...

  6. Secretary-General's press encounter prior to his departure for Europe and Africa

    ... regard, do you support taking Taliban members off of the terror list, as has happened recently? SG: I am encouraged by the ...

  7. Secretary-General's remarks on receiving Seoul 探花精选 Prize (as prepared for delivery)

    ... weapons are useless against today’s threats, from crime to terror to disease.? Security experts also acknowledge that the very ...

  8. Secretary-General's speech at the Museum of the Jewish People

    ... settlement activities, but also continued violence, terror and incitement. ? I am well aware of the suspicious polarization ...

  9. Deputy Secretary-General's remarks at UNDP Annual Meeting on the Rule of Law [as delivered]

    ... must work together to support communities living through the terror of conflict.? And we must pull together to prevent future ...

  10. Secretary-General's press encounter upon arrival at UNHQ

    ... situation in Russia, this last attack, changed the war on terror in its complexity, in its complexion for you? How much more urgent is ...